
Olivia (name is linked to her profile.)
Girl, born March 2007
Down syndrome

"Olivia can walk alone, and can go upstairs and downstairs without help with hands holing onto support, but fairly slowly.  She can do morning exercises with children together in the line.  When there his her familiar song I Love You, she can imitat clapping hands and wiggling her body simple with music, and can dance with children together.
Now she can't use words to express her needs, but she can understand what the aunt and the teacher say to her; such as when it's time to eat. The aunt will tell the children, "let's have a meal." then she would move her chair to the table for the meal.  When she is told to go potty, she can go to the bedpan and take off her trousers and sit on it.  Now she can make some simple words, such as yi and ya.  She is careful to study, and is confident; in the activity of stringing beads, coloring, playing the cap of a bottle she is very interest in them and focuses on them.  She can imitate pointing to facial features.  She is kind and helps other children; when she falls down in walking, teachers and children would help her and encourage her. Now she knows to care about the children.  She is restless and brave."

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